The Greenspan Co./Adjusters International Works for You

In 1985, our firm along with a group of leading public adjusting firms in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom foresaw the need for an international network of highly skilled public adjusters who could bring specific expertise to servicing any type of loss, anywhere, at any time. Adjusters International soon came to be.

In 1989, recognizing the need for our services outside of Southern California, we opened our first Northern California office in San Francisco. The Oakland Hills Firestorm of 1991 cemented our success and established us as the public adjusting company sought out by other industry professionals, including insurance agents, real estate brokers, and attorneys. We also represented hundreds of homeowners impacted by this disaster.

In 1994, as a direct result of the Northridge Earthquake and the resulting demand for our services, our firm grew exponentially. The reputation we had earned in over 50 years of business made us the go-to firm for earthquake claims expertise.

In 2003, to better handle and represent the diverse cultures and business personalities in our vast area, we regionalized the control of our firm into two operating centers, one in Northern California headquartered in South San Francisco, and one in Southern California, headquartered in Los Angeles (Northridge). We currently have offices in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Irvine, Sacramento, San Jose, San Diego, Santa Barbara, and Livermore, California; Las Vegas, Nevada; and Phoenix, Arizona, along with a focused presence in The Inland Empire, San Bernardino County, The Sierra Nevada, and California’s Central and Imperial Valleys.

Each of our offices is a mainstay within their communities, and they provide a deep understanding of regional particularities, including pricing and industry protocols. Our services are supported by our network of highly skilled professionals, including adjusters, forensic accountants, construction cost estimators, and inventory specialists.

We are experienced with the different types of natural disasters that strike, the many companies that insure against them, and how claims are handled. Our public adjusters have the resources and expertise to thoroughly investigate your loss and accurately prepare, document, and present your claim. It is our mission to get you a full, fair, and expedited settlement.

Our Story


In 1946 The Greenspan Co. was founded in Los Angeles by Sidney Greenspan, whose dedication to personalized customer service quickly became legendary. As Sidney’s reputation grew, so did the firm.


Thirteen of the industry's leading public adjusting firms joined forces.


Recognizing the need for our services outside of Southern California, we opened our first Northern California office in San Francisco.


Advocacy and service to eligible government entities and not-for-profit organizations.


To better handle and represent the diverse cultures and business personalities in our vast area, we regionalized the control of our firm into two operating centers, one in Northern California headquartered in South San Francisco, and one in Southern California, headquartered in Northridge.


Expanded offerings to include disaster preparedness and resiliency service.

Why The Greenspan Co. / Adjusters International

Steve Severaid

I am passionate about the work we do, and the impact we have in changing people’s lives every day. I’m passionate about our team—the way we function as a whole to create a future for our clients that could not otherwise have been realized.

Steve Severaid, SPPA


Rino Benenati

Having experienced a tragic fire that consumed my first home I can speak from experience. The overwhelming feeling that comes from being exposed and totally vulnerable after is unnerving. People come come out of the woodwork with offers of help – some meaning well, some not. There are no mandates that require the insurance company to be accurate so that burden falls on you. When the dust settled, I realized that the public adjuster was the only one who was truly on my side and incentivized to help me and my family. So I became a public adjuster. And I have been for 27 years. And I change people’s lives everyday. And I love it.

Rino Benenati


Richard Villanueva

My why is simple, “Any definition of a successful life must include serving others”. It is critically important to make sure those that have been affected by life changing events not be taken advantage of. Amongst the many reasons our services are engaged, I feel our main reason is to protect the insured and make sure that they have all necessary information to make informed, educated decisions. To do anything less is disrespectful to the client and the process as a whole.

Richard Villanueva


Max Martyniouk

Why I love being a public insurance adjuster is rooted in my unwavering dedication to helping people and making profound positive impacts in their lives. Passion, empathy, honesty, and a strong work ethic are the driving forces that propel me forward in this noble profession. However, what truly fuels my passion is the understanding that insurance companies often exploit the claims process during significant perils, leaving individuals at a tremendous disadvantage. By standing as a pillar of support and advocating for fairness I strive to rectify this imbalance, providing solace and reassurance to those in need.

Max Martyniouk


Randy Gower

I do this primarily because I absolutely LOVE the opportunity to make a real difference in someone’s life.  A catastrophic loss to a home or business has, for most people, the potential to be the most financially destructive event in their life.  Helping them navigate that loss and minimizing the negative effects of that loss is rewarding on both a personal and professional level.

Randy Gower

Professional Public Insurance Adjuster

Kyle Hensiek

To “stand up” for someone is to show that person sensitivity, embodying the importance of treating them with empathy and respect. Unfortunately, this basic human principle is often lost on large corporations, such as insurance companies. They have perfected business models designed to create an imbalance of power aimed solely at bolstering profits. This is no different than the schoolyard bully taking what isn’t theirs, via intimidation and coercion. This abuse of power upsets me. As public adjusters we have the opportunity to balance the scales by standing up for people, not corporations, in an effort to make one small corner of the world fair and equitable. This makes me feel good, providing daily opportunities to be in service to others.

Kyle Hensiek


Christine Fata 23C7098 SQ1 Web

Integrity- I do what I do because it represents the core of what matters to me. I am an advocate for doing what’s right and helping others. As a Public Adjuster I get to do just that everyday. During a time that an individual needs support and honesty more than ever, It is a true privilege to be their advocate and help them protect themselves, level the playing field and maximize their compensation. In the words of Henry David Thoreau, "Goodness is the only investment that never fails."

Christine Fata


Fortune Kane

My why, is to pay it forward!  I suffered a devastating water loss that left my family feeling helpless and trapped. In our darkest hour, Greenspan came to our rescue. The unwavering support, expertise, and guidance provided was exceptional.  The adjusters understood the challenges we faced and stood by our side every step of the way. It was their dedication and commitment that ultimately led to a fair and just settlement. Greenspan recognizes the importance of empathy and personalized care during times of distress. We go above and beyond to make your journey towards recovery as smooth as possible. You can rely on us to navigate the complexities of your claim and advocate for your rights, ensuring you receive the settlement you rightfully deserve. At Greenspan, paying it forward is at the heart of everything we do.

Kane Fortune

Professional Public Adjuster

James Kang

“I LOVE my job.  From working on the insurance carrier side and now adjusting claims for the PEOPLE, the feeling of joy and satisfaction I have to help the PEOPLE is addicting.  When the claim is settled and my clients are happy knowing that I was their advocate throughout the process makes this job rewarding.  It gives me the strength to continue to be there for them during a very difficult time in their lives.  Life is already hectic and busy, but if I’m able to lessen their stress by being their public adjuster it feels good that I was able to be bring a little peace in their lives.”

James Kang

Professional Public Adjuster

David Block

After 20 years working for insurance carriers as a property adjuster I could no longer overlook how the carriers interests and profits were always put first and the customers who actually pay their salaries and creates the profits were put last. I needed to find a way to put the customer first and make sure they received the best possible outcome while being advocated for.

David Block

Professional Public Adjuster

Mullen Phyllis

Prior to my affiliation with The Greenspan Company I had never heard of a Public Insurance Adjuster (PA). Within a short span of time I came to understand the value of hiring a PA to represent the consumer’s interests when dealing with an insurance company during the property claims process. The only experience I had with an insurance company was auto related. I couldn’t say for certain whether the insurance company had my best interests at heart, and in hindsight I think not. Contacting a PA is like getting a second opinion. Hiring The Greenspan Company, in my opinion, is a wise decision.

Phyllis Mullen

Administrative Assistant

Chad Freeman

There are multiple whys, but I’ve spent most of my life helping others and I believe that’s why I do what I do today. Of all the different whys, the driving incentive is the incredible level of satisfaction, joy and happiness that comes from knowing that people’s lives are being changed as the result of my work.

Chad Freeman

Design & Media Marketing Specialist

Rebecca Holloway

Why do I do what I do? My core thrills to connect people with information and resources—including other people. Coming from a background of public library administration and marketing, my goal has been (and continues to be) to see and meet people’s needs from a user-centric point of view. Questions I often ask: who are the users (both internal and external), what are their needs, how can my work meet or align with those needs, what are we already doing that we can leverage to provide value, how can we best promote what we are doing? Reading our client testimonials is the greatest pleasure for me, even though I never connect with them directly. I know that what I do, behind the scenes and indirectly, supports those who change people’s lives for the better.

Rebecca Holloway

Executive Administrative Assistant

Sherry Allison White

People. I feel incredibly privileged to have held various roles within the company.  Each has allowed me to tap into my talents striving for excellence each passing year committed to a purpose that is bigger than me…to impact others.

Sherry Allison-White

Inventory Administrative Manager

Damian Padilla

Being with the Greenspan Company for over 15+ years and hearing and witnessing countless stories about how policy holders feeling duped by their insurance companies. To know I am on the side of “the little guy” and holding the big bad insurance companies accountable feels so rewarding. I love the David vs Goliath story and I can proudly say that I fight that battle every single day.

Damian Padilla

Communications Manager

Cindy Fortune 2023

I enjoy working for The Greenspan Company for the opportunity to make a positive impact on the lives of the insureds/policy holders. Prior to working at Greenspan, close family members suffered a property loss. The Adjusters’ vast knowledge, dedication and efforts gave our family members a fresh start. Greenspan Adjusters embody the spirit of superheroes for our clients!

Cindy Fortune

Chief Administrative Officer

Barkyoumb Jeremy

I have always enjoyed helping people. I thought that was what I was doing while I worked for several large insurance companies for the last 15+ years as an adjuster and manager. However, over the years, it became more and more apparent that the insurance companies cared more about their bottom line, then actually helping our customers. It wasn’t until I left the insurance industry and became a public adjuster that I truly saw the difference I could make in people’s lives. It is very fulfilling to make it possible for someone to recover from a terrible loss, rather than adding to their pain. This is why, I do what I do.

Jeremy Barkyoumb

Professional Public Adjuster

Grant StakingIMG 5342

I am passionate about empowering individuals, families and businesses during challenging times by providing compassionate strategic assistance and navigating the complex landscape of insurance claims as their true partner. When that partnership turns into a friendship, I know that we have made an impactful positive difference in their lives.

Grant Staking


Steve Severaid
Rino Benenati
Richard Villanueva
Max Martyniouk
Randy Gower
Kyle Hensiek
Christine Fata 23C7098 SQ1 Web
Fortune Kane
James Kang
David Block
Mullen Phyllis
Chad Freeman
Rebecca Holloway
Sherry Allison White
Damian Padilla
Cindy Fortune 2023
Barkyoumb Jeremy
Grant StakingIMG 5342